Equinix Dublin DB1: NTT adds it's First PoP in Dublin at Equinix DB1

Jul 11, 2018 | Posted by EB Tester

NTT Communications has launched a new point of presence in Ireland, located at Equinix’s DB1 data centre in Dublin, marking its first PoP in the city.

The global carrier said its new PoP will allow it to offer high-quality global IP transit services to a number of companies which have set up European headquarters in the Irish city over the last few years.

NTT Com customers will be able to connect to its Global IP Network, which reaches over 190 countries and regions, through Equinix’s DB1 facility, which is one of the most densely connected IBX facilities in Ireland. The carrier said it will offer numerous capacity levels, including 100G ports, with direct connections to Amsterdam and London already confirmed. Read More on Capacity Media.