South Korea: South Korea launches data center for AI research

Feb 21, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

South Korea's science ministry recently announced the opening of a computing data center to conduct AI studies. The Research Data Center of AI Innovation Hub, in the Seoul campus of Korea University, is a computing lab with 35 petaFLOPS computers. It has been reported that this will permit up to 100 researchers to work on projects simultaneously and is part of the country's plan to build a "world-class AI research network."

According to the ministry, it plans to invest a combined 44.5 billion won ($34.9 million) into the data center by 2025, with the aim of integrating AI capabilities of local universities, companies and research centers. 

Its plans for the investment are to establish a national AI research network on a global level, enabling the country to keep pace with the rapid change in the AI sector.