Finland Data Center Market

The Finland data center market is located in the region of Nordics and within Western Europe. Finland has 29 facilities with 527,432 sqft and 177 megawatts.

The top providers in Finland are Equinix (7 sites) and Elisa Corporation with 6 facilities. The most popular facilities are Telia Helsinki Pitäjänmäki and Elisa Espoo Säterinportti.

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Market Facts

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Largest Providers in Finland

Facilities: 7
Power: 10 MWs
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Elisa Corporation
Facilities: 6
Power: 10 MWs
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Telia Company
Facilities: 4
Power: 24 MWs
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Ficolo Oy
Facilities: 3
Power: 24 MWs
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Largest Data Centers in Finland

Location Total SqFt Gross SqFt Power (MW)
Google Hamina Finland 0 SqFt
172,223 SqFt
??? NN
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Telia Helsinki Pitäjänmäki 365,973 SqFt
161,459 SqFt
??? NN
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Yandex Mäntsälä Finland 0 SqFt
0 SqFt
??? NN
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Ficolo: The Air 570,488 SqFt
129,167 SqFt
??? NN
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Ficolo Pori: The Rock 0 SqFt
91,493 SqFt
??? NN
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About This Metro

Finland is a growing and competitive nation in the European data center market.

  • Finnish climate is cool and suitable for energy efficient solutions
  • Low cost of electrical power
  • The location between Europe and Asia connects many networks.
  • Finland is a politically stable nation.
  • Minimal hazardous risks including no earthquakes and foundations are built on granite bedrock
Finland had 2,127MW of installed wind power capacity as of 1 September, according to Windpower Intelligence

Low-Cost Electrical Utility

Finland had 2016 the second cheapest electricity inside the European Union, behind Sweden. (Eurostat 2016). Finland offers tax abatements for data centers over 0.5 MWs.

Mega Content in Finland

  • Google Hamina Data Center: In 2009 Google choose Hamina to the East of Helsinki to build their second major data center in Europe. Access to inexpensive power and the cool water from the Gulf of Finland made the site attractive.
  • Yandex Mäntsälä: In 2016 Yandex finished their data center in Mantsala to the North of Helsinki
  • Hetzner Online, a German data center and hosting provider has a big presence in the country.


Finland’s international connectivity was improved the C-Lion 1 submarine cable that links Finland directly to Germany. C-Lion 1 is 1,172 kilometers, has eight optical fiber pairs with a total capacity of 120 Tbps, and was completed in January 2016.