Level3 Curitiba

R. do Semeador

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R. do Semeador
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Level3 Curitiba Data Center Photos

DC Ultranet Telecom located in São Paulo/SP near of downtown, with high capacity and security, connected with the major carriers in Brazil (Algar, Vivo, Embratel/Claro, Century Link, Cogent, Hurric...

DC Ultranet Telecom
Posted in Brazil / Brasil

DC Ultranet Telecom located in São Paulo/SP near of downtown, with high capacity and security, connected with the major carriers in Brazil (Algar, Vivo, Embratel/Claro, Century Link, Cogent, Hurricane Electric and other carriers) direct connection with high capacity between all Equinix in Brazil and Nap of the Americas also we have connection with IX.Br and FL-Ix.

Operating Company

The combined company of CenturyLink and Level(3) has one of the largest networks in the world.

The combined company of CenturyLink and Level 3 is a patchwork of data centers that span over Europe, North America, and Latin America. The data centers came through acquisitions that include Global Crossing (2011) and TW Telecom (2014).

A Timeline of Level 3 Acquisitions

  • 2020: CenturyLink rebrands as Lumen Technologies
  • 2017: CenturyLink acquired Level 3's data centers and network for $34 billion
  • 2015: Black Lotus (for Level3's DDoS mitigation product)
  • 2014 Level 3 acquired TW Telecom for $5.7 billion
  • 2012 Level 3 acquired Voxility
  • 2011 Level 3 acquired Global Crossing (GX) for $2.0 Billion
  • 2007: Level(3) acquired Broadwing for $1.4 billion
  • 2006: Level(3) acquired Progress Telecom for $137 million
  • 2006: Level3 acquired Looking Glass Networks for $96 million
  • 2006: Level3 acquired Telcove (Adelphia Business Solutions) for $1.2 billion
  • 2006: Level3 acquired ICG Communications for $163 million
  • 2005: Level 3 acquired WilTel for $680 million
  • 2002: Level3 acquired Genuity for $242 million
300 Facilities Owned
137 Markets Served
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